I Can JuggleToo!

In a shocking display of Attention Deficit Disorder, I’m watching Goonies on TV and Betty White on SNL online during the commercials. If I were also knitting, downloading Kendra Wilkinson’s sex tape, and sorting out those pesky problems between Israel and Palestine via Skype, I’d really be accomplishing something! As it is, I’m just your average under-achieving Gen Xer.

Goonies is one of those movies I can watch over and over without getting bored. Another movie that falls into that category (and I’m sharing this with you knowing that it’ll just be our little secret) is Miss Congeniality. There’s something about it that puts me at ease and makes me feel all is right with the world. Maybe it’s the great casting or the silly costume Sandra Bullock wears when she plays the water glasses. Or maybe it’s Michael Caine’s dead-pan humor or the redemptive happy ending. While I can’t quite put my finger on it, anytime it’s on TV I willingly submit to its powers and am lulled into a passive, mouth-breathing stupor. (For the record, I must mention that Miss Congeniality 2 was total cinematic caca and certainly does not have the same effect on me as its predecessor.)

P.S. I can’t really juggle.

P.P.S. I cried at the end of SNL when they gave Betty White flowers. What a doll!

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