Archive for the ‘Big Pimpin’’ Category

2010 MymBOs

March 18, 2011

Most sensible people released their best-of 2010 lists at the end of 2010 or the very beginning of 2011. But as you’ve probably become accustomed, we don’t do things in a timely manner around here…and by “we,” I mean me and my staff of me. So without further, even more ridiculous adieu, I give you the 2010 MymBOs (Mymsie’s Best Of.)

2010 MymBOs


2009 MymBOs

January 11, 2010

Sorry this is late. (I should put that on my business cards, huh?)

The 2009 Mymbos

(Nothing can be properly commemorated without a tacky animated GIF, right?)

For the last month or so, I’ve read lots of best-of lists, some for 2009 and some for the decade. That got me thinking about what things from 2009 I’d give props to and an idea was born → the first annual MymBOs: Mymsie’s Best of 2009! Please note that no company has been foolish enough to pay me to plug their product. No, these are just a few things I encountered over the year that I liked and want to tell you about. Enjoy and feel free to share your faves in the comments.

“All Mixed Up, Don’t Know What To Do”

October 13, 2009

I am a tangled mess of emotions à la Ron Burgundy in Anchorman.  (“I’m in a glass case of emotion!”) My brain is a’swirl with a load of crap and I can’t seem to right myself to accomplish a damn thing. In lieu of a tantalizing narrative hook, I’m going to try and focus on something I’m really grateful for.

I wrote that opener yesterday, but never got around to finishing my post. Thankfully today I’m feeling much better* but still want to shamelessly dote a moment, if you’ll indulge me. The subjects of my adoration are my incandescent friends. The last several weeks have been stressful (mostly good stuff but difficult nonetheless) and truly, the only reason I’ve survived without more pharmaceutical intervention is because of my incredible wealth of amazing friends. They’ve all been so supportive and time and again, have managed to catch me right before I hit the ground. Cases in point?

  • Due to a self-indulgent combination of ennui and frustration, I was seriously considering stopping blogging when out of the blue, I got two comments from strangers who said lovely things about my writing.
  • After a long, nerve-wracking day, I checked my mail and found an unexpected, no-special-occasion-just-out-of-the-kindness-of-her-heart card from my sweet friend JayDub and tucked inside was a gift card for Jo-Ann fabric store. (MANNA!)
  • After a bit of blubbering Sunday night, Lean and Moxy comforted me and then jumped in and tackled some projects I’d been avoiding. Moxy re-potted my sad, little $1.50 Ikea plant and Lean put together this laundry cart using instructions I found so confusing, they may as well have been in a language not yet invented due to its otherworldly complexity. And then yesterday, via phone calls and IMs, they talked me through a difficult situation and checked on me and put aside stuff to make sure I was OK. I’m tearing up just thinking about it – the sisterhood was in effect!
  • B, who is typically not one to emote, completely drilled to my core and helped me figure out some major career stuff that needs immediate intervention. But he did it in such a loving way and just called to invite me to Chicago for the weekend for more brain-storming and camaraderie.

Can you even believe how blessed I am?? It really is an embarrassment of riches and I couldn’t be more humbled and indebted and thankful.

“I’d like to teach the world to sing…”

Just kidding. 😉

*I need to remember this because it speaks to how fleeting emotions can be, like passing storms.

Don’t Tell

July 20, 2009

Come closer Internets, for I’m about to divulge a secret. I’m ashamed to say this but I haven’t finished unpacking yet…and I moved in March…like FOUR MONTHS ago. I realize there’s no reason I couldn’t have unpacked a 1-bedroom apartment by now but I just get so overwhelmed in these situations. There’s so much to do, I don’t know where to begin and I quickly want to bury my head in the sand and pretend it’s not my problem. It’s just part of my sparkling (?)  personality that I’m a micro, detail-oriented person and while that can be a good thing, in cases like this it’s to my detriment. I can’t see the forest for the 75 variants of moss and fungi, NOT TO SPEAK OF THE TREES AND EVERY LEAF ON THEM. The only way I can get through things like this is by making small goals and being held accountable. Tonight I plan to get over myself and unpack 3 boxes. If I know the Internets are monitoring me, I’m more likely to get it in gear so please don’t let me slack!

When Moxy and I went to Chicago a few weeks ago, while waiting in traffic we discovered THE BEST radio station – 100.3 WILV. It’s the kind likely to promise “good times and great oldies!” They play all the best songs from the 70s, 80s, and 90s and every one is a walk down memory lane. You can listen online for free. It’s gotten me through some dreary afternoons lately. What happened to the effusive, maudlin drama of fist-clenching hits like, “Shot through the heart and you’re to blame. You give love a bad name!” Nowadays it’s more like, “Hit me up, or not. Whatever playa!”

In closing, I need you to know that the next two weeks are going to be insanely busy. There’s a perfect storm of work and freelance due dates forming in the Gulf of Ruh Roh so I plan to mainline coffee and make peace with the Abby-fur tumbleweeds on the living room carpet. I may also finally try out that meditation CD I bought. I weathered some bad news recently with relaxing baths courtesy of the Berrylicious Smoothie I got at Ulta. It’s so creamy and delicious-smelling and works great as bubble bath or shampoo. How do you get through busy stretches?

Well On My Way to Alzheimer’s

June 2, 2009

Yesterday I did something pretty dumb, only to be surpassed by doing it again tonight. As of 10:30 p.m., I’ve washed two, count ’em, TWO loads of laundry without adding detergent. I realized my mistake after the first load last night but apparently my short-term memory is full because I did it again tonight. Is this a bad sign? Should I be doing more crossword puzzles?

Hey, I know what! Let’s talk about my new favorite bev, FUZE Slenderize*. It rocks my socks because it’s made with real fruit juice but only has 10 calories per serving and tastes fresh and sweet and delicious! It’s a little spency but totally worth its weight in vodka because it feels like a treat but doesn’t pack the caloric punch of a sugary drink.

Here’s a fancy video I made after my friends and I rented a cabin one weekend in April. To properly enjoy it, you should know the following:

  • We were quoting The Office the entire weekend in addition to a perennial favorite of ours, dropping non sequitur cliches into conversation.
  • On the way down, B coined the term “retro merge,” which is something along the lines of an untimely lane change.
  • Moxy drove her Jetta, lovingly nicknamed Gretta, separately.  (Since our trip, poor Gretta was totaled in a tragic accident.)
  • On the way down near a casino, we saw a sign that read Hot Slot Action Ahead. You can imagine the giggling.
  • The local bar in the tiny town we visited is called Who Cares. The owner remembered us from our last visit more than a year ago and cited the hullabaloo that ensued when a goober cop gave me a ticket right outside the bar for not having signed my car’s registration.
  • B coined another term, “To the grave!” He was being sassy and I threatened to kick his arse when he brilliantly quipped, “I’m going to kick yours…TO THE GRAVE!!!”

And so I give you: Beer Me, Brookville!

*Sorry the link isn’t direct. That site is a perfect example of GUF, Gratuitous Use of Flash.

He Squoshed My Baby Bumble Bee

April 21, 2009

In addition to my Web work, I also design marketing e-mails we send to customers. I love this part of my job – my boss gives me a theme or a message he wants to get across, and I get to run with it and be creative. We’re on the cusp of summer so he wanted me to plug summer-y products in our latest e-mail. I thought about summer, a way to tie it to the type of products we sell, and came up with this headline:

Find out what all the BUZZ is about!

…and this graphic:


My boss was very diplomatic but said he thought it was too cutesy for our customers. Can you believe that? How could you not love that adorable little bugger? I mean COME ON. I couldn’t stand the thought of my poor li’l bee never seeing the light of day, so I thought I’d share him with you. Buzz on, stingy friend!

P.S. I don’t want to shove causes down your throat but I’m a staunch advocate of National Public Radio. If you’re in the Indy listening area and are a fan too, now’s a great time to pledge. My favorite programs are This American Life, Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!, Fresh Air, and despite my economically-challenged mind, Marketplace. Even if you miss them on the radio, you can always listen to podcasts, which have helped me get through many-a-monotonous task.


February 11, 2008
  • You know what’s annoying? When you love an album and then buy that band’s previous album and it’s disappointing. (I’m looking at you More Adventurous by Rilo Kiley.)
  • These vintage beauty ads are mesmerizing. They’re so fascinating artistically and visually but I’m especially loving the peek at beauty standards and ideals of old.
  • I’m totally wearing these on my next date. Boys need to know they could end up as fodder for Courting Predicament.
  • It’s the end of the world as we know it – R.E.M. is back!
  • Feeling stuck? Check out Wisebread’s doable suggestions for changing your life. LOVE ’em.
  • Having laggardly discovered The Office, I’m now crushin’ on Rainn Wilson BIG time. How hysterical is he? And I love his name! And he has a mini-horse! What’s not to love?
  • John Legend is my boyfriend when Rainn is busy.
  • I’m sick about having already missed a lot of this but am hoping to catch the tail end of Masterpiece’s The Complete Jane Austen.
  • Did you hear Kanye West’s Grammy acceptance speech last night? The bit about his Mom was so touching. I know he sometimes sounds like an a-hole at award ceremonies but I thought given the subject matter, he handled himself very well.
  • I forgot to mention that I had another kidney stone last week.
    • Wasn’t it sly of me to nestle this tidbit in and amongst really high profile news, thereby inflating its significance? But just wait until you have to pee a pebble – then we’ll see what’s breaking news in your world.
  • I want a Tumbleweed House – awesome concept and so green I can hardly stand it.
  • Is it OK to pour leftover bevs in my plants or does this explain why my sixth jade plant just bit it?
  • So, do we think this is a total gimmick meant to deceive ditzy curly-headed girls or is it truly a legitimate wonder-turban?
  • Isn’t it neat that we live in a time when this is possible? I mean, seriously.
  • I love this Alan Alda quote I happened upon recently: “I think it is worth looking into the abyss, but don’t make up abysses if they don’t exist.”
  • New Death Cab is a’comin’ – hooray!!

Freebie Love

January 31, 2008

I’m loving Big Huge Labs’ tool to turn any image into desktop wallpaper with a calendar on it. I like to browse Flickr for cool pics, like this February-ish one I found this morning. Here’s the result:

1280 x 1024

You can make your own with any photo (big enough so it won’t be pixelated) for any resolution. Fun, right?

While you make wallpaper, check out Sara Bareilles’ Love Song. I can’t get enough of it:

P.S. The embedded video is acting wonky so if it doesn’t work, just click the text link above it.

I’m Goooood

January 8, 2008

A little thing I like to do around the holidays, besides making out with a mall Santa, is give my coworkers treat bags. It’s nice to spread some cheer and it doesn’t hurt to distract from my pile of unfinished work. Since I went to Florida unexpectedly, I wasn’t able to finish the goody bags before I left. I decided to make them New Year’s themed instead, and adorned each with a tag that read “Here’s to a great oh-eight!” I started thinking and realized I could milk this rhymey-schymimey thing for awhile:

  • Hope your 2009 is extra fine!
  • May 2010 be full of zen!
  • Best wishes for a 2011 that’s absolute heaven!

You’re thinking about never coming here again, aren’t you? Well don’t leave before I solicit your opinion on something my Office Crush said this morning. He popped into my office and gushed, “Thanks for the treat [Mymsie] – you’re so good!” Hmm… I think that means he liked the rubbers I slipped into his goody bag.

Last week, Amy and I had a long, winding phone chat covering topics as diverse as menstrual cups and clear cutting in Maine. In that spirit, I charge you with working the following non sequiturs into conversation this week:

  • Rhinestones: Chic adornment or trashy knock-off?
  • The United States’ policy in Guatemala
  • How to clean a black-light poster

The Story of StuffHave you guys been shopping recently? I’ve braved Super Target several times since Christmas and have managed to leave without any Valentine’s or Easter candy. How can there be reasonable justification for selling Cadbury Creme Eggs in January? What is wrong with us? I happened to watch a movie last week called The Story of Stuff. It explains the origins of our consumerist way of life and breaks down the steps involved in creating and distributing all the crap we buy. An inherently flawed system is revealed, rife with waste, poor stewardship, and short-sightedness. The movie’s done in a very creative style with video, clever animation, and plain talk. It’s 20-minutes long but worth every second. Fascinating and informative!

P.S. To meeboguest835185 who used the chat widget on my sidebar to send me this message: “Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog and I wanted to say I think you’re an excellent writer and your entries are SO interesting!” → Sorry I couldn’t respond – I was at lunch but thank you so much! What a lovely, kind thing to say. Also, will you be my best friend?


December 1, 2007

World AIDS Day - December 1st

Today is World AIDS Day, a time to raise awareness and focus our attention on the global AIDS epidemic. This issue is especially close to my heart because AIDS took my sweet, wonderful uncle at a tragically young age. I’m sure many of you have also been touched by AIDS in some way, so you have an idea of how it affects families, friends, entire continents and that so many are still struggling against antiquated stereotypes and uninformed biases.

The theme for World AIDS Day this year is leadership to emphasize the importance of holding our leaders accountable for addressing the AIDS crisis in all manners. Some prominent leaders meerly give this issue lip service. Perhaps AIDS has not directly affected them and so they remain detached and listless. This epidemic is pervasive enough that none of us has any valid excuse to ignore it, so it is extremely important we use the power of our voices and our votes to elect and support leadership who will make a difference.

Do not underestimate that AIDS is one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. We can all help by committing to do whatever is within our means to foster education, research, funding, and advancements in science and medicine. Of equal importance is a collective determination to clear the fog of prejudice that clouds AIDS.

Visit the World AIDS Day Web site for more information about getting involved.